Willits Adult Education

Willits Adult Education is available to those 18 and above who are interested in earning their high school diploma. Classes are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4:00-8:00 pm. Classes are held at Sanhedrin High School. If you are interested, please call Alyssa at 459-4801 for more information. There are a few different options. You can come in person, work on an online platform (Bright Thinker) or work courses through packets.

Do you need a copy of your Willits Adult School Transcript? Click the link below.


What is it?
A high school transcript is a document that is a student’s official academic record for grades 9 - 12. Each student earns a grade and credits per class enrolled in per term that they are enrolled in a high school. There are three terms per year. Information other than grades is also often added. For example, when a student graduates, this is noted on the transcript. If a student qualifies for the Golden State Seal Merit or Seal of Biliteracy, this is notated on their final transcript. Transcripts are very important documents. Click here for more information on how and why transcripts matter.

Why do I need it
If a student is applying for a scholarship or award, they often have to attach a transcript to their application for proof of academic stability and success. Transcripts are also necessary when high school students get accepted into a four year College or University.

What is the difference between an Official Transcript and an Unofficial Transcript?

An Official Transcript means it is embossed and sealed in an envelope. Colleges require official transcripts as does the NCAA Eligibility Center.

An Unofficial Transcript
is the same document but it is not embossed and is not sealed in an envelope. The student can use this document as a resource in filling out applications for scholarships, college, awards, and work.